Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Thoughts Achievments

My own thoughts on achievements. To tell you the truth I do like get achievements and getting a higher gamer score I just won't boost for them. I will always look to see what achievements I can easily get. Achievements are always in the back of my head. Though I don't take it as serious as others getting achievements and gamer score is actually fun for me.

Like when I first got my 360 I always tried to get achievements I even rented games just for the achievements (ex: Avatar). But it grows boring and not as much of an addiction. I still think game saving is pathetic, but it's not really my business to be calling people out is it? Because when you game save do you still fell that sense of accomplishment, no I didn't think so. So why do you do i if you don't feel good about afterwards? Too show off a huge number and fell superior but in reality it makes you look weaker. So for the game savers think and re - read that.

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