Sunday, August 31, 2008 Forums Cul and Icon FAQ

Well since there has been been a alot of Cul threads lately so I decided to bring back Litheons old question and answer thread by him and the community.
First let me say check this threads out right now if you have a question on why is it taking me so long to get to the new level etc. Threads:
Xbox Forums FAQ & The Forums Icons and User community level FAQ .
If you have any questions on CUL that aren't mentioned in this FAQ ask them in this thread instead of posting about it and I and the community will do our best to answer them.
Q. What does CUL stand for?
A. Cul stands for 'community user level' it's the number on the bottom of your GamerTag.
Q. My Cul dropped for no reason.
A. There is always a reason for a Cul drop you where probably doing one of these: Spamming, Flaming, Cursing, being Off - Topic, or any thing against the ToU, CoC, and the Forum Guidelines.
Q. What do I have to do to make my Cul rise?
A. There is a great FAQ written by DarkArmada and some of the community
Right Here Check it out!
Q. What are the levels ?
A. M - Forum Moderator
V - Microsoft Xbox MVP
X- Xbox Staff
S - Xbox Support Staff
J - J Allard's personal Cul
C - Contributor
D - Game Developer or Publisher
P - A member of the press
E - E's personal CUL
0 - A poster that that has done something very bad
. as stated in the thread
Xbox Forums FAQ
Q. I'm a Contributor how come I don't have the C cul?
A. We are all contributors but you only get the C cul if you have edited/ worked on, have your own page etc on
Q. How do I become a Mod?
A. Number one rule don't ask to be a Mod. Just post positively and maybe one day you will become a Mod.
Q. So people with High Cul automatically become Mods?
A. Not true. There are alot of forum posters on with high Cul that probably wont become a Mod. Example: Kiki Kat, JD Buck, and Dr Cro became mods in there 4 - 6. So Cul doesn't decide.
So just keep posting positively. "A watched pot never boils"

Icon FAQ:
Q. What are all the Icons?

  • Xbox Ambassador Badge
  • On - Topic Badge
  • FAQ Badge
  • Wrench
  • Tipster Badge
  • Beta Badge
  • A/V Badge
  • Networking Guru Badge
  • Founding Member Badge
  • Trixie Badge
    For pictures on those badges
    Guide to the new forums
    Q. How do I get the Ambassador Badge.
    A. At certain times Trixe360 holds applications and you aplicate and if she picks you, you get the badge. Note: That's not all to the badge you have to be helpful and help new people.
    Q. When do you think is the next Application?
    A. There usually at big game releases the last one was near the Halo3 launch so the next one might be near the Gears of War2. So keep your eye out.
    Q. How do I get the Tipster Badge?
    A. just be helpful and post alot of tips when needed and one day you might get it.
    Q. How do I get the On - Topic Badge?
    A. Just Stay On - Topic and maybe Trixie360 will pick you.
    Q. How do I get the FAQ Badge?
    A. You have to make FAQ's/ Guides etc. FAQ's and Guides are mostly made for games
    Q. How many FAQ'S/Guides does it take to get the Badge.
    A. No one knows. It matters on the quality of your FAQS
    Q. How do you get the Wrench Badge.
    A. Only Mods and MVP's know
    Q.How do I get the Beta Badge?
    A. It's no longer attainable you had to be a beta tester for XboxLive.
    Q. How do I get the Founding Member Badge?
    A. It's no longer attainable either you had to be a poster from the old forums and requested it a long time ago.
    Q. How do I get the A/V Badge?
    A. Just post good tips on Audi/Video questions.
    Q. How do I get the NetWorkingGuru badge?
    A. You have to post good tips on net working questions.
    Q. How do I get the Trixie Badge?
    A. You have to be interviewed by Trixe360 on a GamerSpotlight.
    Gamer Spotlights
    Q. Can users recommend other users for a badge?
    A. Yes you can but the final decision comes down what the Mod/MVP says.
    Remember don't go Icon chasing.

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