Sunday, August 31, 2008 Forums Cul and Icon FAQ

Well since there has been been a alot of Cul threads lately so I decided to bring back Litheons old question and answer thread by him and the community.
First let me say check this threads out right now if you have a question on why is it taking me so long to get to the new level etc. Threads:
Xbox Forums FAQ & The Forums Icons and User community level FAQ .
If you have any questions on CUL that aren't mentioned in this FAQ ask them in this thread instead of posting about it and I and the community will do our best to answer them.
Q. What does CUL stand for?
A. Cul stands for 'community user level' it's the number on the bottom of your GamerTag.
Q. My Cul dropped for no reason.
A. There is always a reason for a Cul drop you where probably doing one of these: Spamming, Flaming, Cursing, being Off - Topic, or any thing against the ToU, CoC, and the Forum Guidelines.
Q. What do I have to do to make my Cul rise?
A. There is a great FAQ written by DarkArmada and some of the community
Right Here Check it out!
Q. What are the levels ?
A. M - Forum Moderator
V - Microsoft Xbox MVP
X- Xbox Staff
S - Xbox Support Staff
J - J Allard's personal Cul
C - Contributor
D - Game Developer or Publisher
P - A member of the press
E - E's personal CUL
0 - A poster that that has done something very bad
. as stated in the thread
Xbox Forums FAQ
Q. I'm a Contributor how come I don't have the C cul?
A. We are all contributors but you only get the C cul if you have edited/ worked on, have your own page etc on
Q. How do I become a Mod?
A. Number one rule don't ask to be a Mod. Just post positively and maybe one day you will become a Mod.
Q. So people with High Cul automatically become Mods?
A. Not true. There are alot of forum posters on with high Cul that probably wont become a Mod. Example: Kiki Kat, JD Buck, and Dr Cro became mods in there 4 - 6. So Cul doesn't decide.
So just keep posting positively. "A watched pot never boils"

Icon FAQ:
Q. What are all the Icons?

  • Xbox Ambassador Badge
  • On - Topic Badge
  • FAQ Badge
  • Wrench
  • Tipster Badge
  • Beta Badge
  • A/V Badge
  • Networking Guru Badge
  • Founding Member Badge
  • Trixie Badge
    For pictures on those badges
    Guide to the new forums
    Q. How do I get the Ambassador Badge.
    A. At certain times Trixe360 holds applications and you aplicate and if she picks you, you get the badge. Note: That's not all to the badge you have to be helpful and help new people.
    Q. When do you think is the next Application?
    A. There usually at big game releases the last one was near the Halo3 launch so the next one might be near the Gears of War2. So keep your eye out.
    Q. How do I get the Tipster Badge?
    A. just be helpful and post alot of tips when needed and one day you might get it.
    Q. How do I get the On - Topic Badge?
    A. Just Stay On - Topic and maybe Trixie360 will pick you.
    Q. How do I get the FAQ Badge?
    A. You have to make FAQ's/ Guides etc. FAQ's and Guides are mostly made for games
    Q. How many FAQ'S/Guides does it take to get the Badge.
    A. No one knows. It matters on the quality of your FAQS
    Q. How do you get the Wrench Badge.
    A. Only Mods and MVP's know
    Q.How do I get the Beta Badge?
    A. It's no longer attainable you had to be a beta tester for XboxLive.
    Q. How do I get the Founding Member Badge?
    A. It's no longer attainable either you had to be a poster from the old forums and requested it a long time ago.
    Q. How do I get the A/V Badge?
    A. Just post good tips on Audi/Video questions.
    Q. How do I get the NetWorkingGuru badge?
    A. You have to post good tips on net working questions.
    Q. How do I get the Trixie Badge?
    A. You have to be interviewed by Trixe360 on a GamerSpotlight.
    Gamer Spotlights
    Q. Can users recommend other users for a badge?
    A. Yes you can but the final decision comes down what the Mod/MVP says.
    Remember don't go Icon chasing.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gaming with the Author

If you ever want to play a xbox live a game against me just comment this thread and put a xbl name and date and name.
My XBL name: is AgonisingNewt

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

*Project Origin Information*

Project Origin Information FAQ
By, AgonisingNewt
Welcome to my Project Origin Information FAQ. Here you will find all the answers to your questions on Project Origin. This FAQ will be split into post so don't post in this thread until I give you the go ahead post. Please and Thanks I hope you enjoy this FAQ as much as enjoyed writing it.
Table of Contents
I. Backround on this game
II. How is this game supported
III. Story
IV. Multi-Player
V. Co-Op
VI. New Environments
VII. Weapons
VIII. Enhanced A.I
VV. Downloadable Content
XI. Index
XII. Any other Info
Resources for this FAQ

I. Backround of This game
Project Origin is the upcoming sequel to F.E.A.R. being developed by Monolith. You're probally wondering "why isn't it called F.E.A.R. 2," well it's not being called F.E.A.R. 2 because Vivendi's owns the F.E.A.R. name. Monolith has annonced that it will be coming out in 2008. This game was first revealed at the 2007 E3 Expo with an Xbox 360 demo. The game will be keeping the origanal story line and the characters. Though it wont seem like Extraction Point or Perseus Mandate. Monolith will require a new publisher for the game since it was bought in 2004 by Warner Bro's Interactive Entertainment. The game will be comeing out for the Xbox 360, PC, and the Play Station 3.

II. How is this game supported
Release Date: Has not been confirmed but what has been confirmed is that it will be coming out in 2008. Most sites say at the moment say Fall 2008.
What Engine Is It Using: Lithtech: Jupiter EX. You want more info on the
Lithtech: Jupiter EX
Platforms: Xbox 360, Play Station 3, Microsoft Windows
Developer: Monolith Productions. You want more info on
Monolith Productions
Publisher: At the moment WB Games Inc. Want more info on WB Games Inc.
Genre: First Person Shooter, Horror
Modes: Single Palyer, Co-Op, Multi-Player
Xbox Live Co-Op
Ofline Co-Op
Xbox Live Multi-Player
Market Place Downloads
HDTV 720p
Dolby 5.1 Surround
Project Origin™

III. Story
This sequel to F.E.A.R will be continues supernatural suspence story of a Powerful psychic child named Alma (
Alma), whose rage against those who wronged her caused her to begin in a escalating paranormal crisis that threatens to devour and replace reality with her own. Instead of playing as the Point Man (Point Man) the games protagonist Michael Becket, a Delat Forc opperative who's squad is sent to arrestc Genevieve Aristide, approximately thirty minutes before the ending of F.E.A.R. At some point of the game the player character , via surgery will recieve reflex powers exhibiting the slow motion ability like point man.

I never new a game like this could have a multi - player. Sadly nothing hd been revaled about the Multi-Player. I'm searching through the web right now And I can find any thing. I will keep you updated though. All we know is that there will beMulti-Player.

V. Co-Op
Ther will be 2 player co-op ofline where you and your friend play throgh the horror story. There will be online Co-Op too but no word on how many players the online Co-Op will be.

VI. New Environments.
You will be able to create instant cover and remove objects/obstacle around you. While you fght through the various new Out door and indoor enviroments. I'm still trying to figure out how this "Create Instant Cover" will work but it sure sounds cool. You will be in subways, to and out door Urban World that is in crumbles buildings wrecked, debree covering the floow cars crashed etc. This is going to be fun exploring this new world.

VII. Weapons
There are going to be new weapons and new enemys. There is also a new Mecha Suit that is post to be awesome. There is also a new edition of Iron View. The E3 Demo starts off you a Assualt Rifle equiped witha red dot sight. Which gives you the option of precise firing or firing from the hip. The number of weapon slots has gone up from three to four, matching the gernade types you can carry. This F.E.A.R. game has left it's health point system to a regenerating system like CoD4.

VIII. Enahnced A.I
From the E3 Demo the enimies look like they put up a tougher challane. That won't be so easy this time around thanks to the enhanced A.I. To give you a good example of what I'm talking about this was taken from the game spot hands on preview.
Game Spot wrote:
One example Monolith provided was a soldier taking cover behind a car door. You wouldn't notice this particular soldier's ingenuity until you realize he opened the car door himself. They also have a tough time staying dead. It's possible to wound an enemy, have them hit the ground, and you might run off without noticing them slowly limp back up and draw a sidearm to shoot you from behind. You can respond to these resourceful enemies by creating your own impromptu cover, kicking over tables and hiding behind them when something more sturdy isn't available. Of course, with the destructible environments and ballistics able to travel through varying surface materials, that may not be the best idea in certain circumstances.
Now do you understand what I'm saying?

VV. Downloadable Content
Yes there will be downloadable content off the market place. Probally new maps, weapons etc. So if you're buying this game you better be ready for some DLC! Speaking of DLC there will probally be a Demo for this game but no one knows when it could be before or after the game but there has been no annoncment.

Q. What is the ESERB?
A. It's still RP (Rating Pending) but it will most likely be M (Mature) because it's a horror game and it has gore/blood, violence etc.
Q. Is tehre ofline Co-Op?
A. Yes It will 2 player Co-Op
Q. Will there be online co-op?
A. Yes.
Q. Will there be ofline multi-player?
A. No
Q. Will there be DLC
A. Yes
Q. When does it come out?
A. Probally fall 2008. But there has been no annoncment.
Q. Will there be a demo?
A. Most Likely
Q. Is it sticking to the point health system?
A. No it is moving on to a more CoD4 Health System/
Q. Why isn't named F.E.A.R 2?
A. Because Vivedi owns the F.E.A.R name
Q. Is this a Horror game?
A. No [/End Sarcasm] Yes it's a horror game.
Q. Whos the Publisher?
A. WB Games
Q. Whos the developer
A. Monolith
1 Player
Players Co-op: 1-2
Dolby 5.1 Surround
HDTV 720p
Xbox LIVE Multiplayer
Xbox LIVE Co-op
Marketplace Downloads
Just in case there any more questions the green and orange boxes are taken from

XI. Index
Combat Videos:
E3 2008 Action Trailer
E3 2008 Fear Alma Again
Combat Trailer
E3 Trailer - 60 sec
Full E3 2007 Trailer (18min)
New Trailer
Abomination Teaser
Blood Comparison Trialer:
Blood Comparison
Armor Trailer:
Elite Powered Armor
Enviroment Trialer:
School Environment Trailer
Environment Trailer
Dev Diary Trailer:
Ask the Developers Round 1
Meet The Leads Trailer
Meet the Leads
Tester Trailer:
Usability Testing at Monolith

Any other info:
I want to know how the demo starts:
Demo wrote:
The demo begins with the game's main character, Michael Becket, waking up in an underground metro station. The story continues his search for Alma, this time more grown up, but by all appearances just as creepy as ever.
Game Spot's Preview:
Game Spot wrote:
After a few play-throughs with this demo, we noticed a rocket launcher hidden in one of the blown-out buildings. This comes in handy when taking on snipers positioned up on the tops of buildings or on the marquee of a movie theater which you need to enter when you've progressed down the demolished city street. It's not the most precise weapon in the world, but thanks to game's destructible buildings, you can simply aim near an enemy and you'll more than likely knock down his perch. If the explosion doesn't kill him, the three-story tumble certainly will. Inside the theater, you're greeted by a heavily armed soldier rivaling a Big Daddy in sheer girth. The best option here is the rocket launcher, of course, but you can also test your luck with a shotgun if you're up to the task.
You soon discover a theater that still has seats, but is missing the wall where the screen would normally be. Instead you have a view of an alley and a dead soldier disturbingly pinned to the wall. Out on the street is a mech suit, or power armor, as it's called in the game. We wasted no time in hopping right into it (once we took care of an environmental hazard nearby, a busted power transistor sending dangerous currents onto the nearby ground). The power armor is a thrilling ride. You have a machine gun and a missile launcher available to you. But it's not a matter of overpowering your enemies because the gun can and will overheat, missiles take time to be reloaded, and plenty of enemy power armors will greet you on your mech-aided stroll down the road. It's still a lot of fun, though, especially the way you can utterly destroy poor pedestrian soldiers running across the ground. Project Origin is noticeably more bloody, especially when you cut through an enemy with the mech suit gun. They'll burst into a fountain of red with torso and limbs going every which way.
Project Origin has us genuinely excited to see more, especially the way they're planning to continue the creepy storyline. We can already tell the action is going to be great, we just need to find out if the horror aspects will maintain the same sense of tension as the original. No release has been scheduled, but you can expect to see Project Origin arrive on the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

I hope you guys enjoyed my FAQ and that it answered your questions. I will keep this Updated.
Resources For This FAQ:

My Thoughts Achievments

My own thoughts on achievements. To tell you the truth I do like get achievements and getting a higher gamer score I just won't boost for them. I will always look to see what achievements I can easily get. Achievements are always in the back of my head. Though I don't take it as serious as others getting achievements and gamer score is actually fun for me.

Like when I first got my 360 I always tried to get achievements I even rented games just for the achievements (ex: Avatar). But it grows boring and not as much of an addiction. I still think game saving is pathetic, but it's not really my business to be calling people out is it? Because when you game save do you still fell that sense of accomplishment, no I didn't think so. So why do you do i if you don't feel good about afterwards? Too show off a huge number and fell superior but in reality it makes you look weaker. So for the game savers think and re - read that.

Gears of War the Movie?

The title says it all numerous websites and magazines have been leaking it out.
They have found a director for the the Gears of War Film. That directer happens to be Len Wiseman which you probably know her from "Live Free or Die Hard". There is still no annoncement for a cast yet.

and other sites

Halo 4?

According to my sources, there will be another Halo besides Halo Wars but it won't have Halo 4 as it's name. And it will have more blood like Gears of War and will be more tactical like G.R.A.W 2. And master chief will not be starring in it. Here are my sources:

Bungie is mot retireing and they will be working with Microsoft to make the next Halo game will be another Halo and I'm not talking about Halo Wars, but in this new Halo Game there will be no Master Chief in it and it's going to be more tactical like Ghos Recon Avanced Warfighter and it's going to have more blood in it like Gears of War
New Info We Know Thanks to GoDovvnSouth &
The below info is from Here are the link to the articles:
What we heard: Last year, those skilled enough to complete Halo 3 on legendary difficulty were treated to an extended ending of the game after the credits rolled. For those who don't have a knack for Covenant slaying, numerous YouTube videos depict how, after the defeat of the Flood, series hero the Master Chief is left adrift in space in half of the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) ship Forward Unto Dawn.
After a brief conversation with the AI Cortana, the genetically enhanced, perpetually armored Chief enters a hypersleep chamber. The cutscene camera switches to an exterior shot, which pulls back to reveal the remnants of the Dawn entering orbit around a mystery planet. As the sun rises on the planet, music swells, and the screen fades to white, at which point the cutscene abruptly ends.
With that setup, many assumed that Bungie's next project would feature the Master Chief marooned on a strange planet, struggling for survival--a sort of off-world Far Cry. However, a source with knowledge of the studio's development slate told GameSpot a different story. She or he said that sometime this year, Bungie will announce a "darker, grittier" Halo game that doesn't feature the Master Chief at all.
According to the source, the new Halo game will be a spin-off that resembles "a cross between Ghost Recon and Gears of War." It will reportedly tell a "less cartoony" and "more bloody, violent, and grim" tale of a battle between UNSC forces and the pan-racial religious empire known as the Covenant. The game's atmosphere was described as similar to that of the
live-action Halo shorts directed by South African filmmaker Neil Blomkamp (pictured), who was to helm the now-stalled big-screen adaptation of the game.
The source says that the upcoming Halo game is a tactical shooter that will follow a squad of colonial marines or orbital-drop shock troopers engaged in "intense" fighting on the ground. Gameplay details were scant, other than the fact that it will reportedly let gamers play as an entire squad in co-op mode through the entire campaign. The exact number of co-op players has yet to be finalized, but it could be as high as eight. It is unclear if the new game is the same as the
"Halo: Forerunner" project first rumored in 2006.
The official story: Microsoft had not yet responded to requests for comment as of press time.
Bogus or not bogus?: Based on the strength of the source, this is almost certainly not bogus. And with Bungie's teaser last week, news about the game could arrive as soon as tomorrow's Microsoft press conference at the
E3 Media & Business Summit.
What we heard: Last year, those skilled enough to complete Halo 3 on legendary difficulty were treated to an extended ending of the game after the credits rolled. For those who don't have a knack for Covenant slaying,
numerous YouTube videos depict how, after the defeat of the Flood, series hero the Master Chief is left adrift in space in half of the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) ship Forward Unto Dawn.
After a brief conversation with the AI Cortana, the genetically enhanced, perpetually armored Chief enters a hypersleep chamber. The cutscene camera switches to an exterior shot, which pulls back to reveal the remnants of the Dawn entering orbit around a mystery planet. As the sun rises on the planet, music swells, and the screen fades to white, at which point the cutscene abruptly ends.
With that setup, many assumed that Bungie's next project would feature the Master Chief marooned on a strange planet, struggling for survival--a sort of off-world Far Cry. However, a source with knowledge of the studio's development slate told GameSpot a different story. She or he said that sometime this year, Bungie will announce a "darker, grittier" Halo game that doesn't feature the Master Chief at all.
According to the source, the new Halo game will be a spin-off that resembles "a cross between Ghost Recon and Gears of War." It will reportedly tell a "less cartoony" and "more bloody, violent, and grim" tale of a battle between UNSC forces and the pan-racial religious empire known as the Covenant. The game's atmosphere was described as similar to that of the
live-action Halo shorts directed by South African filmmaker Neil Blomkamp (pictured), who was to helm the now-stalled big-screen adaptation of the game.
The source says that the upcoming Halo game is a tactical shooter that will follow a squad of colonial marines or orbital-drop shock troopers engaged in "intense" fighting on the ground. Gameplay details were scant, other than the fact that it will reportedly let gamers play as an entire squad in co-op mode through the entire campaign. The exact number of co-op players has yet to be finalized, but it could be as high as eight. It is unclear if the new game is the same as the
"Halo: Forerunner" project first rumored in 2006.
The official story: Microsoft had not yet responded to requests for comment as of press time.
Bogus or not bogus?: Based on the strength of the source, this is almost certainly not bogus. And with Bungie's teaser last week, news about the game could arrive as soon as tomorrow's Microsoft press conference at the
E3 Media & Business Summit.
The Other News We Now:
E3 2008: Bungie at work on new Halo
Loose-lipped Xbox head lets slip.

Martin Robinson, IGN UK
UK, July 16, 2008 - The ongoing saga of Bungie's no-show at this year's E3 has been given another little twist, with Microsoft's Don Mattrick confirming that the now independent developer is indeed hard at work on another instalment in the Halo series. Speaking to
MTV Multiplayer, the head of Xbox business said that the amount of content in Microsoft's conference on Monday squeezed out any news on the extension of the Halo series, and said Bungie is actively working on a new game that is neither Halo Wars nor the awaited Peter Jackson project. The news comes off the back of heightening speculation about Bungie's presence – or lack thereof – at this year's event, which climaxed in an open letter placed on the developer's website apologising for the no-show. Meanwhile, the countdown to its heavily touted announcement - which was expected to happen at 7:07am PST on July 16 - continues, though in light of the recent news many expect the deadline to pass without fanfare, or news of a fresh Halo title.
And I found this:
Here’s something to add to all the E3 drama this week about Bungie Studios‘ canceled/postponed/hyped debut of a new game…
In an interview shot for MTV News on Tuesday, Microsoft’s head of Xbox business Don Mattrick, confirmed to me that Bungie is indeed working on a new “Halo” game of some sort for Microsoft.
I had been asking Mattrick about the lack of “Halo” news at E3. He said that Microsoft’s Monday press conference was already loaded with content and so any announcements for that series weren’t needed to get gamers excited.
I pushed him on the lack of presence for the series and asked him if we should be worried about the no-show of Ensemble Studio’s real-time-strategy game “Halo Wars.” Not only did Mattrick say not to worry and that announcements would be coming, he also said that Microsoft is working with Bungie on a “Halo” game.
I asked for clarification, wondering if Mattrick meant Bungie’s project was “Halo Wars” or the long-announced Peter Jackson “Halo” project. Neither, Mattrick said. The Bungie game is something else.
And then, not surprisingly, the topic was changed.
In the coming days, we’ll have more from the interview — covering Microsoft’s courtship of Square-Enix and the importance of exclusive content and games in the future — here at the MTV Multiplayer blog
This game sounds awesome